Nam Dong district has a large forestland area and a high ratio of forest cover, but the forest resources have been degraded. We gathered data on forestland-use purposes and area changes in Nam Dong district from 2006 to 2020. We overlayed the actual forest maps in 2005 and 2020 and the planning maps of forest protection and development in this period. We also conducted in-depth interviews of key informants with representatives of local authorities and functional agencies to clarify the nature of forestland conversion and issues of forest management and protection in the district. The results show that from 2005 to 2020, the natural forest area rose because of the difference in the forest status. The increase in forest cover was due to plantation and rubber forests. A large natural forest area was converted to plantation forests, and the protection forests were declined. The factors affecting the forestland use include the planning of the three types of forest, the change in calculation methods, the forest statistical and inventory tools during the periods, the support of afforestation programs, and the conversion of forest-use purposes. This study suggests combining the remote sensing images and field patrol to monitor forest changes accurately and manage forests more effectively. In addition, it is necessary to propose solutions to reduce pressure on natural forests and improve the effectiveness of plantation forests.
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