
environmental efficiency
Yok Don National Park
dipterocarp forest


The dipterocarp forest is a featured ecological forest in the Central Highlands of Vietnam. However, humans and nature are disrupting the ecological balance structure of the forest. This study was conducted to evaluate the environmental efficiency of land management activities of the dipterocarp forest at Yok Don National Park by altering the dipterocarp forest ecosystem and soil organic carbon (SOC) stock for 2001–2020. The results show that the area of the forest converted to other ecosystems (such as meadow, shrub land, construction land, etc.) is 8,284.51 ha. Notably, there was a decrease of 6,107.3 ha in the last 10-year studying period. In Yok Don National Park, SOC varies from 14.3 to 246.8 tons/ha. The total SOC stock is estimated at 7,644,080.493 tons. The average SOC content in the dipterocarp forest in Yok Don National Park is higher than that in other dry dipterocarp forest land.



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