Determining factors affected by expanding urban space in Hue city


đô thị
không gian đô thị
mở rộng ranh giới
thành phố Huế urban
urban space
boundary expansion
Hue city


This research was conducted to identify factors influenced by the expansion of urban space in Hue city. The study used principal component analysis (PCA -Principal Component Analysis), cluster analysis (CA - Clustering Analysis) and survey methods interviewing 420 households in the expanding urban space. The research results have identified 5 main groups of factors with 11 factors that are influenced by the expansion of urban space on land users in Hue city. In particular, indicators on address, land price, infrastructure and public services are most affected. Identifying the prominence of the urban development model and related impacts will help localities have new options suitable to actual conditions, contributing to promoting the urbanization process over time.


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