Investigation of Cyanobacterium Planktothrix spiroides (Wang & Li 2013) Biomass Recovery Method and Evaluation of IAA Biosynthesis Ability
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Plantothrix spiroides
kết bông sinh khối
thu hồi sinh khối chitosan
Planktothrix spiroides
biomass flocculation
biomass recovery


This study investigates methods for recovering the cyanobacterium Planktothrix spiroides (PHO) biomass, a potential source for biofertilizer production due to its ability to biosynthesize IAA. Various flocculation methods were tested, including pH adjustment and the use of FeCl₃ and chitosan. The results indicate that pH 8 is the optimal condition for flocculating PHO biomass, achieving an efficiency of 83% after 1 hour. Using FeCl₃ at a concentration of 200 mg/L resulted in a 95% biomass recovery within 15 minutes. The use of chitosan—a natural and environmentally friendly flocculant—also yielded high efficiency, with 93.33% of biomass recovered after 10 minutes at a stirring speed of 40 rpm and a chitosan concentration of 25 mg/L. The chitosan-based method not only ensures high flocculation efficiency but also minimizes the loss of IAA content in the culture medium as well as in the PHO biomass. The loss rate is estimated to be less than 1% in the culture medium and 6% in the biomass.
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