Developing equation to estimate natural forest carbon based on using Sentinel-2 imagery: Case study in Da Nang city
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ảnh Sentinel-2
carbon rừng tự nhiên
Đà Nẵng
phương trình hồi quy Da Nang
natural forest carbon
regression equation
Sentinel-2 images


Using remote sensing images and forest inventory data to estimate forest biomass basing on parameters and image indices that has been conducted for more than two decades on the World. In which, the Sentinel 2 image has quite high resolution and suitable for analyzing the relationship of forest vegetation reflectance indices with forest biomass, furthermore the Sentinel 2 images are free of charge so it contributes to reducing costs in estimating natural forest carbon stocks. This study was conducted to develop correlation equation between natural forest carbon stocks and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) of Sentinel 2 images in Danang city through linear and non-linear models. The study found out that the overall accuracy of the classification map is 96%, with a Kappa coefficient of 0.94. The regression equation                    TC = 5297,1  NDVI2 – 6127,9  NDVI + 1751,8 with          R2 = 0.8713 and an accuracy of 83.41% was selected for estimating natural forest carbon stocks in Danang city.
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