Baby cucumber (Cucumis sp.) is a vegetable commonly eaten in Vietnamese daily meals. Planting density and pruning are factors that influence the growth, development, and yield of Maya baby cucumbers. This study was conducted from June to August 2023 in Cu Chi District, Ho Chi Minh City, with the aim of determining the most suitable planting density and pruning method for the growth, development, and yield of baby cucumber in a polyhouse. The two-factor experiment was arranged in a complete randomized design with three planting density levels: 3.174 (70 45 cm), 2.857 (70 50 cm), and 2.597 plants/1.000 m2 (70 55 cm) and two pruning methods: no pruning and pruning all level 2 branches. The results showed that the interaction between these two factors significantly affected the yield of baby cucumbers. The highest fruit productivity was observed when a planting density of 2.597 plants/1.000 m2 (70 55 cm) was combined with pruning of all level 2 branches. This result can be applied to growing baby cucumbers in polyhouses in Ho Chi Minh city and other areas with similar climates.
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