Gynostemma pentaphyllum (Thunb.) Makino can be used for both medicinal and tea and has lipid-lowering properties. It has many beneficial effects such as hypolipidemic, anti-cancer, cardioprotective, hepatoprotective, neuroprotective, anti-diabetic and anti-inflammatory. Its main bioactive components are flavonoids and saponins. In this study, determining a suitable culture medium and testing the bioreactor culture of suspension cells for biomass and gypenoside production were performed. In Erlenmeyer flasks cultivation, the suitable culture medium is basic MS supplemented with 2 mg/L KIN combined with 0.5 mg/L IBA, 3% sucrose with fresh biomass value of 3.693 g/50 mL medium, gypenoside and Rb1 content reached 40.240 mg/g and 0.041 mg/g dry weight after 18 days of culture, respectively. Preliminary cultivation in bioreactor containing 6 L of medium showed that fresh cell biomass reached the highest after 18 days, reaching 45,611 g. Meanwhile, gypenoside and Rb1 content reached the highest on day 16, with values of 40.090 mg/g and 0.038 mg/g dry weight, respectively. The results show that it is possible to grow suspension cell of jiaogulan in bioreactor to produce biomass, providing raw materials for the gypenoside production process.
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