Parashorea stellata is naturally distributed in Hue City, is a species of the Dipterocarpaceae family, and has high economic and conservation value. Biological information on P. stellata has been described, but it is still incomplete. This study collected leaf samples from 40 trees in 5 different regions in Hue City to analyze genetic diversity based on PCR-ISSR markers. The results showed that 9/15 ISSR markers were expressed in 100% of the research samples. The genetic diversity of the P. stellata in Hue City is lower at the population level (PPB = 52.3%; Na = 1.519; Ne = 1.313; H = 0.181; I = 0.270) than at the species level (PPB = 100%; Na = 2.000; Ne = 1.5239; h = 0.3404; I = 0.5225). The populations in the sampling areas have lower genetic diversity than the whole province, with the genetic variance coefficient Nei < 0.5 (Gst = 0.2936) and the gene exchange coefficient higher than 1.0 (Nm = 1.2033). The phylogenetic tree divides the P. stellata population into two large groups with genetic distances from 0.79 - 1.0. The results are important scientific data in the work of selecting breeds to build solutions for the conservation and development of P. stellata in Hue City and Central Vietnam.
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