Detection of genes responsible for biosynthesis of cylindrospermopsin in cyanobacterial biomass by PCR method
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Liên NTT, Thanh HT, Diễm My NT, Tuyến Nhân LT. Detection of genes responsible for biosynthesis of cylindrospermopsin in cyanobacterial biomass by PCR method . hueuni-jns [Internet]. 2019Oct.25 [cited 2024Sep.13];128(1E):15-26. Available from:


In this study, M4 1F/M5 1R and M13 1F/M14 1R specific primers were used to amplify gene fragment responsible for the biosynthesis of cylindrospermopsin – CYN (PKS and PS) in cyanobacterial biomass. The PCR technique was used to detect genes related to the synthesis of CYN in biomass samples as well as the presence of potential cyanobacteria producing CYN toxins in the natural cyanobacteria blooms. The experiments were performed with 23 samples at 23 points in 9 provinces (cities) in Vietnam. The results showed that the PKS and PS genes were amplified from genomic DNA templates under the following conditions: DNA template concentration from 140–160 ng/25 µL reaction volume; incubation time 20 sec; and annealing temperature 55 °C. The PS gene was detected in 7/23 samples, while the PKS gene was detected in 5/23 samples. In addition, both PS and PKS genes were detecteded in 5/23 samples from 5 different sampling locations. There is a potential of using PCR technique in detecting toxic algae species in natural samples.
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