Impacts of participation in Agriculture Cooperative linkage to economic performance of rice product at Hoa My Tay commune, Tay Hoa District, Phu Yen Province


Propensity score matching, probit rice production, income from rice, rice production and market linkage Hộ trồng lúa, liên kết tiêu thụ lúa, ghép điểm xu hướng, probit, thu nhập từ trồng lúa


This study is to analyze the impacts of participation in agriculture cooperation linkage on rice economic performance of household at Hoa My Tay commune, Tay Hoa District, Phu Yen province.  The findings from propensity score matching analysis on 135 household involving in production linkage and counterfactual group of 78 households show that the cooperative’ functions such as disseminating, sharing market information, providing the technical assistance, and supporting to access the qualify supplying sources are highly recognized by households. Age, number of years at school, area for rice cultivation, and percentage of rice income in total household are positively related to the involvement in cooperative linkage.  Additionally, area of rice production and the percentage of income from rice in total yearly household income positively affect the participation of households in this linkage with cooperative. The study also found households with production linkages have more advantages in accessing techniques and selling prices compared to others. As a result, these households achieved the superior income from rice production is higher than households without linkages.


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