A Evaluation of Trichoderma asperellum HL6 against Aspergillus niger Van Tieghem causing collar rot in groundnut


cây lạc
héo rũ gốc mốc đen
Trichoderma asperellum
Aspegillus niger
kiểm soát sinh học groundnut
collar rot
Trichoderma asperellum
Aspegillus niger
biological control


Collar rot disease, caused by the fungus Aspergillus niger Van Tieghem, significantly impacts peanut production. The long-term survival of fungal pathogens in soil can decrease the effectiveness of chemical fungicides. The use of antagonistic microorganisms can help control the fungal pathogen A. niger. A fungus strain HL6 which has been isoolated from the soil around the root zone of peanut plants grown in Hai Lang district, Quang Tri province, exhibited the inhibitory against A. niger of 77.41% efficiency under in vitro conditions. Molecular identification revealed that the strain HL6 belonged to the Trichoderma asperellum species based on nucleotide sequence comparison of the ITS1-4 region. The test results showed that the T. asperellum HL6 did not affect the germination rate of the peanut seeds. In net-house experiments, the addition of T. asperellum HL6 significantly reduced the occurrence of collar rot disease in peanut plants, with a disease prevention effectiveness reaching 99.55%. These results propose the field trials to evaluate the effectiveness of the T. asperellum HL6 in preventing collar rot diseases for production of bio-inoculants against A. niger.



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