Efficiency of cassava cultivation in industrial cassava areas of Dak Lak province


hiệu quả
Tây Nguyên
Đắk Lắk
vùng cao cassava
Dak Lak
central highlands


The study analyzes factors affecting the efficiency of cassava cultivation in industrial cassava areas of ​​Dak Lak province, using data from in-depth interviews with 12 key informants and a survey of 364 farming households in Ea Kar and Krong Bong districts. Descriptive statistical analysis and multivariate regression were employed to analyze data. Results show that nearly 90% of the studied households rarely invest adequately in cassava production as they perceive cassava to be a crop for the poor and an easy crop to grow. Despite this, cassava yield in the studied area is almost equal to the national average, at approximately 20tons/ha. The profit margin from growing cassava is relatively high. With a return of about 2.79 times (in Ea Kar) and 4.27 times (in Krong Bong). Within the scope of this study, the more households invest in growing cassava, the lower profit margin they gain. Varieties of cassava, geography, soil fertility and climate conditions are factors that greatly affect household’s income from cassava. Besides, farm size, level of investment, connections with middlemen, geography and soil fertility are deciding factors of profit margins from cassava farming.



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