Effects of some technology factors on the quality of straw mushroom floss (Volvariella volvacea)


chà bông nấm
chần bằng hơi nước
nấm rơm
Volvariella volvacea mushroom floss
straw mushroom
Volvariella volvacea


This study aimed to determine the appropriate blanching method and drying temperature for the processing of straw mushroom floss. The study included an investigation of the effect of 3 factors: (i) blanching method (hot water, steam); (ii) blanching time (3–9 minutes); and (iii) drying temperature                             (50–80 °C) on the quality of raw materials and straw mushroom floss. The results showed that blanching with steam (90 ± 2 °C) for 5 minutes can inhibit the loss of nutrients (protein and sugar) of straw mushrooms to the blanching environment, and the product has good sensory qualities, especially flavor and texture. Moreover, the straw mushroom floss product, dried at 70 °C for 2 hours, has high nutritional content (21,6% protein and 7,2% sugar), ensuring microbiological safety and getting high evaluation sensory of customers (color, flavor and texture). These results provided the theoretical basis for the comprehensive processing of the straw mushroom floss procedure.



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