Testing of some new colored rice lines in Binh Dinh province
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chất lượng
dòng lúa gạo màu
anthocyanin quality
colored rice lines


This study utilized five lines of colored rice and the white rice variety, ANS1, as a control. The experiment was conducted during the Winter-Spring season of 2023–2024 in An Tin commune, Hoai An district, Binh Dinh province. The experimental design was arranged in a completely randomized block format with three replications. The evaluation indicators were implemented according to TCVN 13381-1:2023, including growth and development characteristics, morphological, resistance to pests and diseases, yield and rice quality. The colored rice lines in the experiment had short-day growth duration, ranging from 104 to 108 days; Plant height varied from 96.1 to 109.3 cm; Mostly showed light infection by pests and diseases (score 0-1). Based on the research results, we selected two lines, namely BĐ.1 and BĐ.4, which demostrated better yield potential and quality compared to the control variety, ANS1, in which its actual yields were 70.28 and 68.43 quintals/ha, respectively; Protein contents were 7.96% and 7.88%; Anthocyanin contents were 24.14 mg/100g and 34.29 mg/100g, respectively. The experiments should be continued in the Summer-Fall crop to further assess the adaptability of the new colored rice lines under local cultivation conditions.

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