Climate change (CC) is a significant challenge to sustainable development, particularly in Southeast Asia (SEA), a region severely affected by extreme climatic events and rising sea levels. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) introduced two key theoretical frameworks in AR4 and AR5 to assess vulnerability and risk in the context of global CC. AR4 focuses on endogenous factors such as exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity, while AR5 expands the concept of risk by incorporating the hazard component. This study employs bibliometric analysis to evaluate the interconnection of research on vulnerability and risk in SEA based on the AR4 and AR5 frameworks, using data from the Scopus database. The results indicate a sharp increase in research output in this region since 2015, particularly after the release of AR5. Leading countries, including Singapore, Vietnam, and the Philippines, play central roles in international collaboration within SEA. The study highlights the importance of international and regional cooperation in addressing CC while providing a scientific basis for policies and strategies toward sustainable development in SEA.
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