Effects of substrates and DAP fertilizer on growth of green asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.) at nursery stage
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green asparagus
DAP fertilizer Cây giống măng tây xanh
giá thể
phân DAP


A completely randomized block design with three replicates of nine treatments, corresponding to different types of substrates and different rates of diammonium phosphate fertilizer, was utilized in the study. The results show that the most suitable substrate mixture consists of alluvial soil/crushed peanut shell/decomposed manure (2:1:1) to sow the green asparagus seeds with a germination rate of 95.07% after five days, and new shoots appeared after 25 days of culture. The plant height is 57.46 cm; the number of plants/bush, the number of primary branches/plant, and the number of roots/bush are 5.1, 16.01, and 11.7, respectively. The most suitable amount of diammonium phosphate fertilizer supplement for green asparagus plants at the nursery stage is 60 kg/ha (10.8 kg N + 27.6 kg P2O5/ha). This fertilizer was applied three times: the first fertilization was 20 days after sowing and the other every 20 days for 70 days. The vegetables develop well with dark green leaves. The plant height is 56.07 cm; the root length is 16.64 cm; the number of plants/bush, the number of primary branches/plant, and the number of roots/bush are 6.60, 22.63, and 16.32, respectively.

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