Effect of cutting stages on yield, chemical composition and in sacco degradation of HQ2000 maize forage planted in sandy soil of Thua Thien Hue province
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ngô HQ2000
chất khô
vùng cát pha
tỷ lệ phân giải dạ cỏ
Thừa Thiên Huế HQ2000 maize
dry biomass
sandy soil
in sacco degradability
Thua Thien Hue


This study consisted of two experiments. Experiment 1 determined the yield and chemical composition of maize cut at kernel milking (CSU), doughing (CSA), and denting (RNG) stages. The results show that the highest yield at the CSA stage and the dry matter (DM) content tend to increase, but crude protein, neutral detergent fibre, and acid detergent fibre tend to decrease when the development stages are extended. Experiment 2 determined the in sacco degradability of maize cut in the three stages as experiment 1 for four cows with a cannula. The findings reveal that the DM degradation rate of maize cut at different stages is not significantly different, but the fermentation time of CSU maize in the rumen is shorter than that of CSA and RNG maize. The effective degradation rate of at different rumen exit rates is not different regarding the harvested stages. The metabolisable energy of RNG maize is similar to that of the CSA maize but higher than that of the CSU maize. Therefore, it is advisable to harvest HQ2000 maize at the doughing stage.

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