The status of knowledge capacity of cadastral officials in land management in A Luoi district, Thua Thien Hue province


A Luoi
cadastral official
land management A Lưới
cán bộ địa chính
kiến thức
năng lực
quản lý đất đai


Cadastral officials play an important role in land management at the local level. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the knowledge capacity of cadastral officials in A Luoi district. We used secondary and primary data by interviewing 171 people, including cadastral officials, commune leaders, district level staff and households. In parallel, we used the 5-point Likert scale (from 1-5, corresponding to the level of competence of cadastral officials from very poor to very good) for analysis. The results show that the knowledge capacity of the cadastral officials is only average, with a score of 3.4. In particular, 4 out of a total of 4 knowledge capacities in law, procedures, time and authority implementation of cadastral officials in conciliation and land dispute resolution are at an average level. In contrast, 3 out of a total of 4 knowledge capacities in conditions for issuance of land use rights certificate, procedures, and authority implementation of cadastral officials in issuance of land use rights certificate are at a good level, and 1 knowledge capacity in law is at an average level. The research results highlighted reasons and proposed some solutions to improve the knowledge capacity of cadastral officials in the study area.


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