Tóm tắt

The main objective of this study was to evaluate ability of growth and biomass yield of introduced Moringa accessions in Quang Tri province. A total of eight accessions were used in this study. Of these, four accessions from World Vegetable Center, namely: VI048687, VI047492, VI048590, VI048718; two accessions such as PKM-1 and Philippines local accession supplied by Philippines University, one Thailand local accession and one Vietnam local accession (control) provided by Hanoi Institue of Fruit and Vegetable. The results showed that the control and PKM–1 had good growth and development, such as: survival rate over 78%, first harvesting time from 90 to 93 days and biomass yield above 356.43 grams/plant (PKM–1). These were suitable accession for applying under local condition. The survival rate of VI047492 and VI048687 was low, only 34.5% - 40.0%, respectively. However, the first harvesting time of those lasted at 95 days and biomass yield was 261.0 - 283.5 grams/plant. These two accessions can be used for breeding and cultivation under local condition.

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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