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Finlayson’s Cymbidium is a native species of Vietnamese and is one of the orchids favorite for many orchidists. In order to enrich the propagation material and orchid species, we conduct the research on the propagation of Finlayson’s Cymbidium by in vitro. The experiment was conducted appropriate medium probes for germination of protocorm of orchid seeds; shoot multiplication and complete plant formation medium.  The experiment was completely randomized design with three replication for each medium test.  The results showed that MS medium supplemented with 20g/ l saccharose, 6g/l agar, 1g/l activated charcoal, 10% coconut water and 1mg/l BA is the optimal medium for protocorm shooting.  In the propagate shoot multiplication stage, MS medium supplemented with 1g/l activated charcoal, 20g/l saccharose, 6g/l agar and 2mg/l BA is the most suitable. For rooting and complete plant formation, the suitable medium was MS supplemented with 20g/l saccharose, 6g/l agar, 1g/l activated charcoal and 0.7mg/l NAA. Later than 6 weeks of culture, the number of roots/plant reached 2.6 roots, and the number of leaves/plant was 3.8 leaves, plant height was 5.34 cm.
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Tài liệu tham khảo

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