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Từ khóa

Chi nhánh Văn phòng đăng ký đất đai huyện Bình Sơn, hành chính công, sự hài lòng Binh Son
Land Registration Office
land services

Tóm tắt

Land user satisfaction is one of the essential factors reflecting the quality of public administrative services provided by state administrative agencies. The study is based on a survey of 164 people using public administrative services at the Branch in 2018–2020. Exploratory Factor Analysis and Multivariate Regression Analysis indicate that six factors affect user satisfaction: Reliability, Responsiveness, Competence of staff, Processes and procedures, Tangibility, and Service Attitude. Reliability has the most significant influence, while Service Attitude is the lowest. The study has also proposed several solutions to improve the quality of the land services at the Branch.
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Tài liệu tham khảo

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