The epidemic of acute respiratory infections caused by a new strain of the coronavirus (COVID - 19) has caused great damage to the economy and reduced the growth rate of many industries, including the tourism industry. This also affects the decision to choose the tourism majors of learners. This study is conducted to determine the factors affecting the decision to choose the tourism major of university students in the Central region after COVID - 19. The study combines qualitative research methods and quantitative research through surveying 600 students preparing for tourism university admissions in the Central region. The results show that 5 factors influence a student's decision to choose tourism majors: relevance to personal characteristics, career opportunities, school reputation, reference groups, and the attractiveness of the learning program. Besides, students' perceptions of the tourism industry after COVID - 19 have a moderating impact on these relationships. Some research implications related to career orientation, communication, and training activities for the tourism industry were discussed from the analysis results.
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