This study analyzes the consumption of safe vegetables among households participating in the potential model in the mountainous district of A Luoi, Thua Thien Hue province. Secondary data were collected through reports of local authorities and previous studies. Primary data were collected through in-depth interviews with six households involved in the model. Questionnaires were used to survey customers' opinions about safe vegetable products. The results show that the safe vegetable consumption channels of households are quite diverse, but the quantity and types of vegetables for daily consumption are limited; the vegetables are mainly consumed in A Luoi town and neighboring localities. Also, safe vegetables do not have labels or certificates, causing numerous difficulties for customers in choosing products, thereby creating doubts about the quality and reducing consumer confidence. The need for stricter control of the production process, linking with the A Luoi Agricultural Cooperative, and strengthening the role of the local government are direct policy implications for better improvement of vegetable product consumption in the research site.
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