The paper uses long time-series data in the statistical yearbooks from 1995 to 2019 and applies Vector Autoregression (VAR) to explore the causal relationship between investment and tourism in Thua Thien Hue province. The Granger causality test shows a bidirectional causality running between total investment and tourism/accommodation revenue. In addition, the increment in total capital investment increases the revenue of tour operators and international tourists. Accommodation/travel/tourism revenue is an indicator to attract capital investment in the tourism industry in Thua Thien Hue province, but increased investment in hotels and restaurants has no causality running to accommodation/travel/tourism revenue. The figure for FDI attracted into Thua Thien Hue province is not stable, especially FDI in tourism had a low disbursement rate. Since the FDI data series is stationary at its level form while other data series are stationary at the first differences, this study could not determine the causality relationship between FDI and tourism performance indicators in the VAR model in this period.
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