Contract farming (CF) is always considered one of the appropriate solutions to develop market-oriented agriculture. Many authors point out the contract attributes, but they have not compared between the areas with different histories of the CF implementation yet. This study aims to analyze and compare the contract attributes of rice production between Thua Thien Hue and An Giang. The data of this study were collected from 150 farmers through a stratified random sampling method. By using descriptive statistics and the Chi-square test, the research results show that more than 50% of attributes are significantly different between the two provinces including types, models and duration of CF; input arrangement and types of input use requirement, credit arrangement and types of credit, production method requirement and sources; quality standards, specifications of delivery place, price options, payment schedule and methods. Accordingly, we recommend promoting the participation role of the governments, increasing contract duration, enhancing input and credit supply, requiring input use, techniques and production methods appropriately, as well as proposing reasonable price options and payment schedules to ensure the harmony of mutual benefits.
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