Based on the literature review results and Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) results, Cronbach’s Alpha analysis and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) were conducted with 109 mentors and 109 mentees in Thua Thien Hue province, a scale of competencies for entrepreneur mentor was developed. The entrepreneurial mentoring competencies include 18 components constituting three main groups: (1) Communication and interpersonal competencies, (2) Psychosocial competencies, and (3) Mentee’s career development competencies. The result of the research reveals that besides competencies that are considered to be well-responded and there is no difference in mentors’ and mentees’ assessments, there are some competencies that have significant differences in the assessments by the mentors and the mentees; especially, such competencies as the willingness to learn; modelling competency, entrepreneurial experience, training competency, and innovation competency need to be prioritized for completion and development in the coming time.
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