Factors affecting corporate income tax losses for foreign direct investment enterprises in Vietnam: An exploratory study
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tax losses
corporate income tax
FDI enterprises
exploratory study
Vietnam thất thu thuế
thuế thu nhập doanh nghiệp
doanh nghiệp FDI
nghiên cứu khám phá
Việt Nam


This study explores the factors that might influence the possibility of corporate income tax losses from foreign direct investment (FDI) enterprises in Vietnam. This study follows the qualitative approach, including two focus group interviews with tax officials/managers in many levels and 12 in-depth interviews with FDI representatives. Research findings indicate that three potential factors might cause difficulties in managing corporate income tax of FDI enterprises, including the multi-national corporation ecosystem, audit enterprises consulting independent tax, and FDI in the manufacturing sector. Some policy implications for tax authorities in FDI enterprises’ income tax management in Vietnam are provided.

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