This research was conducted to investigate the impact of entrepreneurial education on the entrepreneurial intentions of university students. The research methodology incorporates Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The survey results from 355 students at University of Economics, Hue University revealed that entrepreneurial education, which encompasses teaching methods, faculty support, and extracurricular programs, had a positive influence on students' entrepreneurial intentions and their entrepreneurial attitudes. Entrepreneurial attitudes also positively influenced entrepreneurial intentions. Based on these findings, several implications are proposed to enhance entrepreneurial education, including (i) Close integration into the local entrepreneurial ecosystem; (ii) Consideration of making entrepreneurial education programs mandatory; (iii) Teaching through case studies and fostering debates on business ideas or projects; (iv) Enhancing faculty support by incorporating business storytelling and encouraging students to engage in real business activities; (v) Ensuring that extracurricular activities are substantial and deeply connected to the business community; and (vi) Assisting students in better understanding themselves and developing an appropriate attitude towards a culture of embracing failure.
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