This paper aims to identify the fluctuation of residential land prices in the central and peri-urban areas of Hue City by collecting the state and market prices from 2018 to 2022. Our result indicated that the state land price has adjusted many times but is still low, the price of central areas fluctuated between 1 and 15 million VND/m2, while in the peri-urban areas, it altered between 0.41 and 6.24 million VND/m2. The market’s land price ranged from 9–75 million VND/m2 in central and peri-urban areas from 5 to 55 million VND/m2. There were numerous fluctuations in the period 2018 - 2022 due to the Covid-19 epidemic, increased bank interest rates, and alterations in administrative boundaries. The residential land prices of peri-urban exhibited an upward trend from 2018 to 2021 but declined in 2022 compared to the central area. Peri-urban areas experienced more pronounced fluctuations in prices compared to central areas, with the difference in land prices between the market and state still notably high. In particular, there were substantial differences in the land prices located in the second, third, and fourth positions. Simultaneously, the research has put forward several solutions aimed at determining residential land prices regulated by the state to align more closely with market prices.
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