Cultivation of aerobic granular sludge from activated sludge was carried out in 02 lab-scale Sequential Batch Reactors (SBRs) named R1 and R2. During the experimental period, both reactors were operated in similar condition with 240 minutes of cycle time and an airflow rate of 6L/min. R1 was fed with industrial wastewater collected from Phu Bai Industrial Zone, Thua Thien Hue Province, meanwhile, R2 has used a mixture of industrial and prepared synthetic wastewater with stepwise feeding of different volumetric fraction including 1:3; 1:1, and 3:1. After 7 weeks of operation, tiny granular size less than 1mm was observed, sludge biomass reached 5,8 g/L but filamentous sludge still appeared in R1. Meanwhile, in R2, granular sludge size of 1mm was dominant and biomass reached 6,8 g/L which was higher than its concentration in R1. Granules sludge in both reactors has good settling properties with a low SVI of 30-32 mL/gTSS. The removal efficiencies of organics (COD), ammonium (NH4-N), and phosphorus (P-PO4) in steady-state operation of R1 and R2 were stabled at 92-94%, 93-96%, and 65-71%, respectively. The rate of conversion NH4-N to NOx-N increased from 7-12% to 43-52% at the end of the experimental period. It was indicated that the nitrification of sludge was leveled up with the appearance of granular sludge and the development of biomass. Furthermore, in 43-52% rate of conversion NH4-N to NOx-N, the percentage of NH4-N converted to NO3-N accounting for about 40-47%, this result demonstrated that the nitrification process was nearly completed in both reactors.
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