From the data collected over many years and the results of "Survey, assessment, and proposition of protected areas, preserved ecological landscape of the coastal waters of Phu Yen province", 52 species belonging to 28 genera, 13 families, 6 orders of Bivalvia were identified. In the 13 families recorded, 4 families consist of more than 5 species: Arcidae (9 species), Veneridae (6 species), Ostreidae (6 species), and Pectinidae (6 species). The results reveal that there are nine rare and endangered species with high conservation values, two of which are classified into LC (Least concern) listed in IUCN Red List 2018. Eight species are listed in Vietnam’s Red Data Book (2007), including two Endangered species (EN) and six Vulnerable species (VU). Eight species are classified into Vulnerable, listed in Decision 82/2008 issued by Vietnam’s Ministry of Agriculture & Rural development. In addition, 26 species have economic values. The species composition habitat is relatively versatile: basal layer of loam soil with some sand (30,77%), basal layer of sandy soil with some loam (28,85%); rocks (21,15%), and solid supports (19,23%).
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