TiO2/rice-husks-derived activated carbon and its application for methylene-blue adsorption
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water-soluble TiO2
activated carbon
methylene blue TiO2 hòa tan
carbon hoạt tính
xanh methylene

How to Cite

Trần ST, Trần Đạo V, Nguyễn THB, Nguyễn HT, Phan TQ, Phạm KL, Đinh QK. TiO2/rice-husks-derived activated carbon and its application for methylene-blue adsorption. hueuni-jns [Internet]. 2022Mar.31 [cited 2025Mar.15];131(1A):27-34. Available from: https://jos.hueuni.edu.vn/index.php/hujos-ns/article/view/6448


In the present work, TiO2/activated-carbon composite (TiO2/RHAC) was synthesized with an assembly method. Activated carbon was fabircated from rice husks. The water-soluble titanium complex was synthesized from anatase via the peroxide complex. The mixture of activated carbon and water-soluble TiO2 was calcined at 600 °C. The obtained samples were characterized by using XRD, SEM, EDX, and UV-Vis-DR. The results show that the obtained composites exhibit excellent adsorption toward methylene blue (MB). The equilibrium data fit the Langmuir isotherm model well. The maximum monolayer capacity calculated from the Langmuir model is 144.7 mg·g–1. The TiO2/RHAC could be self-cleaned after use by photocatalytic degradation. The adsorption capacity insignificantly decreases after three recycles of adsorption, and TiO2/RHAC is a promising adsorbent for removing dyes from the aqueous environment.

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