Amphibians and retiples species composition From Duc co district, Gia Lai province
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Đức Cơ herpetofauna
Duc Co

How to Cite

Đỗ T Đăng, Lê V Đạo, Nguyễn QT, Nguyễn TM Điệp. Amphibians and retiples species composition From Duc co district, Gia Lai province. hueuni-jns [Internet]. 2022Mar.31 [cited 2025Mar.15];131(1A):17-26. Available from:


As a result of our field work caried out in 2020 and 2021, we herein report the first herpetofaunal list of Duc Co dictrict, Gia Lai province, comprising 21 species of amphibians (14 genera, six families, two orders) and 40 species of reptiles (35 genera, 16 families, 2 orders). Remarkably, nine species are recored for the fist time in Gia Lai province, namely Kalophrynus interlineatus, Limnonectes dabanus, Dixonius minhlei, Lygosoma bowringii, Dendrelaphis subocularis, Lycodon subcinctus, Heosemys grandis, Siebenrockiella crassicollis, and Indotestudo elongata. In terms of conservation concern, 10 species are listed the Vietnam Red Data Book (2007) and 10 species in the IUCN Red List (2021).
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