Study on the antifungal potential of Piper betle methanol extract against Colletotrichum gloeosporioides cutinase


Piper betle L
Colletotrichum gloeosporioide
in silico
ethanol extract
fungicidal alternative

How to Cite

Nguyen Thi Ai N, Nguyen Thi Thanh H, Bui QT, Nguyen VP, Phan TQ. Study on the antifungal potential of Piper betle methanol extract against Colletotrichum gloeosporioides cutinase. hueuni-jns [Internet]. 2024Jun.27 [cited 2025Jan.20];133(1B):109-23. Available from:


Piper betle methanol extract and its compositional characteristics had been evidenced for their effective inhibitability against rice-blast fungus. In this work, they were subjected for further computational efforts to complete their bio-chemo-pharmacological profile, and broaden their anti-fungal potentiality against Colletotrichum gloeosporioides cutinase presentative (PDB-3DEA). As the results, the most noticeable promising inhibitors particularly regard to 5 (DS -10.8 kcal.mol-1; ground-state energy -499.50 a.u.; dipole moment 2.61 Debye; no toxicity; content 49.90 %) and 6 (DS -10.9 kcal.mol-1; ground-state energy -652.15 a.u.; dipole moment 2.82 Debye; no toxicity; content 13.23 %), given by both their natural contents and predicted properties. The theoretical retrievals would reinforce the antifungal activities of P. betle and be conducive to further efforts to develop a green fungicidal alternative with broad-spectrum and cost-effective pesticidal advantages.


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