Simplified model for predictive direct power control with fixed switching frequency for grid-tie inverters


Model predictive control, Fixed switching frequency, Direct power control, Grid-tie inverters

How to Cite

Ngo VQB, Nguyen K-Q, Hoang D-L, Nguyen T-H. Simplified model for predictive direct power control with fixed switching frequency for grid-tie inverters. hueuni-jns [Internet]. 2024Dec.31 [cited 2025Mar.18];133(1D):71-8. Available from:


This study exhibits a simplified direct power control strategy based on the model predictive control for grid-tie inverters. To solve the problem of the variable switching frequency in the classical finite control set model predictive control (FCS-MPC), we combined the inverse predictive model and space vector modulation to calculate the desired inverter voltage. Furthermore, the computational burden is reduced thanks to the elimination of the optimization loop. A comparative study indicated that the proposed approach achieved better steady-state control performance concerning the low total harmonic distortion of the current model compared with the traditional FCS-MPC while guaranteeing a fast dynamic response. The effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed method were confirmed via simulations and experimental results.


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