
This study explores the current status and incubation needs of individuals who own startup ideas/projects, start-up businesses, or those who own startup ideas/projects from scientific products. And technology at Hue University. In this article, we study the current situation and the need to participate in the incubation program of startups inside and outside Hue University. Data was collected and analyzed from the survey results of 436 subjects. The statistical software SPSS 20.0 was used to analyze data collected. The research results have built and verified the model of the factors affecting the decision to participate in the incubation of start-up projects of the subjects. All four representative characteristics have an impact according to the degree of influence. From strong to weak are training activities to support start-ups, mentoring activities, providing resources and support services, and finally, in-depth skills training. Thus, when the quality of training courses on startup support tools is higher and more organized; the more influential the team of expert advisors; resources, and support services are involved with thoughtful and specific guidance; and training courses on specialized skills bring high efficiency and value, more and more people decide to participate in the startup project incubation program.

Keywords: Keywords: incubation, startup projects, entrepreneurial enterprises, science & technologies enterprises


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