
The Zhuzi School (The Cheng-Zhu School) is a Confucian movement that emerged and flourished in China during the Song Dynasty. This intellectual movement strengthened the official position of Confucianism in the history of Chinese philosophy and spread its influence to East Asian countries. In the open atmosphere of Sinology at that time, the scholarly spirit of great master Zhu Xi was absorbed, interpreted, and flexibly applied by indigenous Confucians in the regional countries according to their ideological identity. In this paper, the authors have based on the research methodology of historical materialism and diffusionism, as well as appropriately applied research methods such as comparison, analysis and synthesis, logic and history, abstraction, and generalization to analyze and interpret how the original Zhuzi School was received, developed and localized into the so-called Seongnihak in Korea during the medieval and early modern periods. The results of this study prove that from the perspective of East Asian civilization, Neo-Confucianism is not One but Many.



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