
This qualitative research, involving 15 English-Vietnamese translation majors, utilizes interviews to investigate how students use Machine Translation (MT) tools. The study is motivated by the need for practical insights and reflections on current translation training trends. It meticulously examines various MT tools, emphasizing the necessity of a thoughtful approach within training programs. While Google Translate remains prevalent, exploration of alternatives like ChatGPT reveals a changing tech landscape, emphasizing the necessity for a delicate tool balance. The benefits include efficient handling of extensive texts and the introduction of novel translation approaches. However, a critical perspective underscores the importance of nuanced language understanding to prevent oversimplification of translation. The study also addresses challenges, such as idiomatic expressions and tool limitations, emphasizing the pivotal role of training programs in addressing issues, educating users, and enhancing tools. In conclusion, the research advocates for an educational shift, urging programs to foster critical thinking. The challenges articulated by students not only contribute to the academic discourse but also serve as a guide for collaborations between academia and industry, thereby better preparing students for the evolving tech landscape.


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