Species composition and seagrass biomass in Sam Chuon and Ha Trung lagoons, Thua Thien Hue province


cỏ biển
đầm phá
tổng sinh khối seagrass
total biomass


This research was conducted at Sam Chuon and Ha Trung lagoons, Thua Thien Hue province. The research has identified 5 seagrass species including Halophila beccarii, Zostera japonica, Halodule pinifolia, Halodule uninervis and Ruppia maritima in Sam Chuon and Ha Trung lagoons. The total biomass of seagrass fluctuates seasonally. In the dry season, the total biomass of seagrass at research station S6 is highest at 136.23 g/m2 and lowest at research stations H7 and H8 at 0.64 g/m2. In the rainy season, sampling station S6 also recorded the highest total biomass with a value of 113.20 g/m2, the lowest at two stations H7 and H8 with 0.64 g/m2. Halodule uninervis and Ruppia maritima are the dominant species, which appeared in 11/14 stations in total. While Ruppia maritima is only recognized at 3/14 stations in total.



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