This article aims to analyze the current status of banana value chain in Huong Hoa district, Quang Tri province. The value chain approach was applied and 115 samples were randomly selected with a view to exploring market channels for consuming "mật mốc" bananas. The findings revealed that in 3 main market channels, the domestic market channel only distributed more than 20% of the total output, however, it brought the most of the total added value and net added value to the producer. The value chain structure analysis indicated a high degree of dependence on the Chinese and Thai markets, regardless of the risks of low prices and lack of access to market information. Household producers contributed the highest net added value in all the three main market channels; nevertheless, they received the lowest total annual returns. Therefore, policy implications for the sustainable development goal, that is, focus on investing in improving productivity and product quality, assisting in the establishment of cooperatives and promoting cooperation with long-term contracts between actors in the chain, building the product brands and encouraging enterprises to invest in processing bananas to expand the domestic market.
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