This study was conducted to analyze and evaluate the status of linkages between tourism firms and stakeholders in tourism development in Quang Binh province. Based on survey data and applying network analysis approach, the study shows that the level of linkage between tourism enterprises and stakeholders is still low. Working as the central role of the internal linkage network in Quang Binh province, tourism enterprises in Quang Binh did not shown their role in connecting with other actors outside the province and its operation was dominated by travel agencies from the major tourism centers in Vietnam. Tourism training agencies in Quang Binh province were gradually losing their roles in the network of tourism development linkages to provide effective human resource training services. Basing on the study’s findings, the practical implications were drawn and suggested to the policy makers that it is necessary for the local government to establish incentive mechanisms to promote linkages between enterprises and stakeholders in tourism development by the tourism supply chains and establish Local Destination Management Organizations in the next time.
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