The participation of local people plays an important role in the development of local tourism, especially community-based tourism. This study analyzes and evaluates the current status of local people's participation in tourism activities in Nam O village, Da Nang city. Research results show that the involvement of the local community in tourism development in Nam O village, Da Nang city is only formal and passive, not commensurate with the role of local people in local tourism activities. In addition, the study also identified additional factors that promote the consent and participation of local people in tourism activities, which are the factors of mechanisms and policies, the characteristics of the local community. as well as economic benefits. However, there are still some barriers to people's participation in tourism activities, which are barriers in terms of mechanisms and resources as well as organizational barriers. Since then, the article has proposed several solutions to improve the participation of local people in tourism development in Nam O village, Da Nang city, including encouraging investment in tourism development. locally, creating opportunities and increasing the level of people's participation in tourism development.
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