The handicrafts in Thua Thien Hue province have a long development history with many priceless heritage masterpieces. However, the production and consumption of these traditional products have faced many challenges since 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic impacts. Principal hardships and constraints such as the market's shrinking, the decrease in orders and contracts, the scarcity and high price of raw materials, outdated technology, small-scale production, monotonous and undiversified products, inadequate advertising, and slow digital conversion have resulted in low competitiveness. For the sustainable development of households producing handicraft products, local authorities may need to implement practical solutions and policies such as applying digital technology, supporting capital for producers through preferential credit programs. Furthermore, it is necessary to encourage enterprises to invest and associate to establish complete supply chains from market research, design, input material supply, production, distribution, and consumption. These solutions are decisive for preserving and promoting traditional handicraft products in Thua Thien Hue Province, thereby better meeting consumers' needs and attracting domestic and foreign tourists.
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