This study analyses the factors that influence the choice of saltwater intrusion adaptation methods of farmers living in Thua Thien Hue Province. Using a multinomial choice model analyses cross-sectional dataof 390 farmers. The results reveal that family size decreases the likelihood of applying new varieties of rice but it increases the probability of applying lotus-fish production. Although the level of education of the household’s head reduces the probability of switching to new varieties of rice and shrimp production, it has a positive impact on the odds of implementing lotus-fish production. The older, more experienced farmers are more likely to cultivate new varieties of rice. The higher the percentage of salted land and the less serious the saltwater intrusion level, the higher the probability of switching to shrimp or lotus-fish production. The institutional environment also positively impacts farmers’choice of adaptation. From a policy perspective, we recommend the local government develops official media channels, organize more training courses for farmers, support the activities of the Women Union and relax constraints on accessing public credit.
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