Tóm tắt

This research investigates the key motivating factors of Thai employees at international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The results show that both intrinsic (x̅=3.02) and extrinsic motivation (x̅=2.50) affect these employees (on a Likert scale of 1 to 4). Importantly, the charitable purpose of the NGO has a clear bearing on the motivation of employees, as reported by 94.7% of respondents. The respondents’ preferences for increasing knowledge (x̅=3.57), enjoyment (x̅=3.52), gaining new experience (x̅=3.20), and clarity in the workplace (x̅=3.51) are demonstrated to be deeply rooted in Thai culture, as is their aversion for competition (x̅=1.79), complex problem solving (x̅=2.62), and individual credit (x̅=1.56). Suggested areas of focus for NGO management are outlined in a 15-point recommendation list.

Keywords: Non-Governmental Organization, Employee Motivation, Chiang Mai, Thailand
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Tài liệu tham khảo

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