A Determination of toxic heavy metals content in some cosmetic products commonly used among high school students
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atomic absorption spectrometry chì
mỹ phẩm
quang phổ hấp thụ nguyên tử

How to Cite

Trang HT, Luyện N Đình, Khánh L Ánh, Kiên TT. A Determination of toxic heavy metals content in some cosmetic products commonly used among high school students. hueuni-jns [Internet]. 2021Sep.30 [cited 2025Mar.26];130(1C):43-50. Available from: https://jos.hueuni.edu.vn/index.php/hujos-ns/article/view/6153


Content of some toxic metals (Pb, Cd, and As) in 18 cosmetic samples that high-school students in cities, plains, and mountainous regions often use is examined and determined by using atomic absorption spectroscopy with high reliability and accuracy. Their content is assessed according to the cosmetic type and compared with Vietnam and ASEAN’s standards. It is also compared with that in authentic cosmetics, determined by the same method.

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