Influence of food source on growth of earthworm Amynthas rodericensis (Grube, 1879) under experimental culture
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Amynthas rodericensis
giun đất
phân lợn
sinh trưởng
tăng trọng earthworm
pig manure

How to Cite

Nguyễn VT, Hoàng HT, Nguyễn DT, Trần VG, Trần QD. Influence of food source on growth of earthworm Amynthas rodericensis (Grube, 1879) under experimental culture. hueuni-jns [Internet]. 2022Mar.31 [cited 2025Mar.16];131(1A):127-33. Available from:


Amynthas rodericensis is a common earthworm species in Vietnam. The feeding material and substrate affect the growth and reproduction of earthworms. The individual size, total number, weight, and gain weight of earthworms under laboratory conditions were investigated. The experiment was designed with four treatments (100% pig manure; 75% pig manure and 25% substrate; 50% pig manure and 50% substrate; 25% pig manure and 75% substrate) with six replicates in a completely randomized design; the experiments lasted ten weeks. The maximum growth and reproduction of A. rodericensis are observed with 75% pig manure and 25% substrate.
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