Jost function formalism with complex potential


nuclear physics
nuclear structure
Jost Function
complex potential

How to Cite

Mizuyama K, Tran DT, Do Quang T. Jost function formalism with complex potential. hueuni-jns [Internet]. 2023Dec.30 [cited 2025Feb.22];132(1D):87-9. Available from:


The Jost function formalism is extended with use of the complex potential in this paper. We derive the Jost function by taking into account the dual state which is defined by the complex conjugate the complex Hamiltonian. By using the unitarity of the S-matrix which is defined by the Jost function, the optical theorem with the complex potential is also derived. The role of the imaginary part of the complex potential for both the bound states and the scattering states is figured out. The numerical calculation is performed by using the complex Woods-Saxon potential, and some numerical results are demonstrated to confirmed the properties of extended Jost function formalism.


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