
sinh viên, sự lựa chọn, trường đại học, động cơ students, choice, university, motivation


Nowadays, the continuous impact of the Covid-19 epidemic has had a substantial influence on school enrollment in the tourism industry, with the number of pupils enrolled decreasing dramatically. As a result, this research contributes to identifying the elements influencing students' institution selection, ultimately enhancing enrollment quality, and addressing the demands of today's students. More particularly, the study defined students' university selection in a group of tourism majors, notably the School of Hospitality and Tourism - Hue University. The study uses quantitative research methodologies to identify factors influencing students' school choice, evaluating questionnaires gathered from 150 students at Hue University's School of Hospitality and Tourism. According to the findings, the following elements influence students' university selection: (1) study circumstances; (2) school reputation and employment possibilities; (3) media; (4) tuition fees; and (5) other subjective considerations. Based on the research results, the article also suggests methods to enhance the School of Hospitality and Tourism - Hue University's potential to recruit students in the near future.



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