
Xác suất, xác suất lý thuyết, xác suất thực nghiệm, sách giáo khoa môn Toán. Probability, theoretical probability, experimental probability, mathematics textbooks.


Probability is a fundamental branch of mathematics with numerous practical applications. In Vietnam's 2018 Mathematics General Education Program, the domain of statistics and probability introduces several novel aspects and holds a significant position. Epistemologically, there are various approaches to probability. Integrating these approaches, particularly theoretical and experimental probabilities, into the secondary school mathematics curriculum and teaching practices is necessary. This article aims to elucidate how the concepts of theoretical probability, experimental probability, and their relationship are introduced in Vietnamese mathematics textbooks across different grades. The findings reveal that theoretical and experimental probabilities are treated as distinct concepts in these textbooks. While aspects of experimental probability are more frequently addressed in textbooks, the explicit relationship between experimental and theoretical probabilities lacks clear and appropriate mention. Our research findings contribute to the professional development of in-service and pre-service secondary school mathematics teachers related to teaching probability.



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